Do you have any question?
Rúa Granito, Parc D4-D8, Pol. Ind. Bértoa, 15105 Carballo- A Coruña (Spain)
Call us
+34 981 733 537
+34 981 734 119
Legal information
Authorization number by Agencia Estatal del Medicamento: 11409CS Industrial registration number: 20041 Registration Number in the Official Registry of Biocidal Establishments and Services: 0095-GAL-FCO
About us
Dulcehogar is a brand of Savelo S.L. Savelo is a company dedicated to the manufacture of products for hygiene and home care since 1993.
Legal notice
How can you contact us?
Rúa Granito, Parc D4-D8, Pol. Ind. Bértoa, 15105 Carballo- A Coruña (Spain)
Tel: +34 981 733 537