tienda store marketing sensorial

Have you ever entered a store where from the outside you are already smelling its characteristic aroma?

If it has happened to you, it is because you have already experienced Neuromarketing, but what is it based on?

As we mentioned in our previous article “What is aromatherapy?”, aromas can generate a stimulation of the olfactory receptors located in the roof of the nose. This stimulation would automatically generate a brain response, more specifically in the emotional part of the brain.

Many companies use aromas strategically in order to generate this response. What they are mainly looking for is to give rise to sensations such as well-being, relaxation, etc., and thereby improve the brand image they have and for which they want us to remember them. In addition, the smell in a store influences the decision to enter or not enter.

The use of aromas to generate these responses is known as sensory marketing or neuromarketing. It is a discipline that contemplates how different variables (such as flavors, textures, music and smells, among others) influence the purchase process. Its fundamental objective is to maximize the positive points, seeking to make the shopping experience ideal. In addition, human beings have what is known as olfactory memory. This part of the memory makes us able to store the memory of an aroma in our brain and to remember it when we smell it again. For this reason, when we pass in front of a shop, we immediately recognize the brand by its smell, even before looking at what brand it is due to. It occurs recurrently with some clothing stores.

There are a multitude of aromas within the Dulcehogar range that can be perfect for your business.

As we can see, aromas are a fundamental part of our brand, and the set of components (colors, music, texture…) are what create a positive feeling in the customer.

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